Are Alt Coins Easy To Sell?

The Ability To Easily Sell Alt Coins

One of the biggest problems in the cryptocurrency word is liquidity. Because of liquidity concerns people are hesitant in calling any digital coin a “true” currency. Cryptocoin users currently have to use many different exchanges in order to complete the desired transactions. The object of everyone’s game is to be able to convert all of your alt coins to the more commonly transacted bitcoin.

A member on GitHub whose username is Crypto-AI, was having this same problem and decided to come up with a code to allow him to be able to do it.
It allows users to sell all their alt coins balances in exchange for Bitcoin.
Its a third-party app which is able to reconfigure your account set up.

The Usefulness Of This Feature

There will surely be many applications for this code in the near future,
especially with the fact that there are not any current models
like this available online right now.

The POLONUKE code is definitely the frontrunner in this industry.
With the transacting of digital cash in its infancy, this will help speed transaction time reduce backlogs and possibly make conversions cheaper.

This Is How It Works

It has default setting which keep your most liquid coins unchanged,
this default setting can be modified by the user. He chose not to allow it to be able to cancel stop loss order to ensure safety in your account balance. It also has a default setting which will not allow it to sell your coins if it will affect the coin price by 5% or more. Since the last thing anyone wants it to accidentally sell their hard earned coin at a loss. So with all this said we are finally entering the next phase of digital cash conversion. And for an added bonus this code can be modified to be used on other exchanges.