Raising Dash Cryptocurrency to Help Hurricane Victims

A Total of $50k In Dash and Bitcoin Were Raised By Radio Host

The southern part of the United States of America has been going through a flurry of weather events. Most recently the focus has been on Hurricane Irma but previous to this was a target on Hurricane Harvey, which crippled Houston, Texas. Massive damage was caused and hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated or simply left their homes to get to safety. It was dubbed as one of the worst hurricanes in history.

But as with many natural disasters, it can bring out the best in people. A host of a cryptocurrency-centered radio talk show based in Austin took a different route when it came to sending aid. Danny Sessoms partnered up with Unsung.org to raise money for the Hurricane Harvey victims. The announcement was made that listeners could donate digital currencies in the form of bitcoin and Dash. The funds would then be used to purchase basic living goods for victims.

Despite the fact that many times, there have been negative lights shed on digital currencies and crypto coins, This was one shining moment especially to showcase things like Dash as a donation in a natural disaster. And where cryptocurrency was once known to be the payment processing preference of “the dark web,” it has been people like Sessoms who have helped to rehabilitate the image of things like Bitcoin and Dash.

Let’s just hope the power is on when it comes time to transfer those funds.